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Address to senior citizens in New Hampshire
Alan Keyes
February 19, 1996

Thank you very much.

You know, I can't help but think--and you've got to remember that I have a reputation for ruining people's breakfasts, lunches and dinners by bringing up serious topics--but I can't help but think, looking out at this crowd, that there are a lot of people in it who will probably not be in the crowd four, eight, ten years from now. And that is because we are all of us--aren't we?--mortal human beings. And we know how this story ends. Someday each and every one of us is going to face that judgment, and we're going to be before the seat of God.

And I wonder whether He is going ask us about all the things we got for ourselves? I have a feeling He's going to be more interested in what we did to build this nation, to strengthen its values, to make sure a strong foundation was laid for its future. You reach a certain stage in life where you've got to realize what you get out of it for yourself isn't going to matter very much for very much longer. But what you put into it and leave behind for others is going to matter a lot, because it could make the difference between this country being free and prosperous and strong, or being a disaster for our children and our grandchildren.

I think we can see pretty clearly what's wrong. In the course of the last three or four decades, we have backed away from our support of the most vital institution in this nation's life. And that institution is not government. And it's not bureaucracy. And it's not taxes. And it's not regulation. The most important and vital institution in our life is the marriage-based, two-parent family. On it depends the future of our children and our country.

And I believe that in the next few years, everything we've got has got to be focused on rebuilding the foundations and environment for decent family life. We've got to get rid of a family-devouring welfare system. We've got to repeal an income tax that has burdened and destroyed working and middle-class families in this country. And we have got to take back control of our schools and put it in the hands of responsible parents, instead of in the hands of irresponsible educrats and bureaucrats and politicians!

If we can make putting the family back together--and stopping the damage government is doing to family--our number one objective, then I believe we will return to the strong principles this nation was based on, and will fulfill our responsibility before He who is the maker and will be the judge, as our Founders said, of the universe.

And we will be able to shuffle off this mortal coil with the knowledge that in our lives, and in our sacrifices, and in our work, we have left a strong great heritage that preserves the blessings of liberty for our children.

Thank you.
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